become a member

The cluster supports and guides member companies on issues related to the development of their activity. To this end, it mobilizes partnerships with networks of international experts, to offer capacity building programs according to the specific needs of member companies.
Join us and help improve the environment for Fashion Start-ups!
The cluster has a particular interest in Moroccan Start-ups and Scale Ups, operating in the fashion sector. Its actions are aimed at improving business conditions for these small structures, their networking, in addition to technical support. In 2019, the Association decided to open up the possibility of membership to self-employed entrepreneurs in the fashion sector, with production workshops or whose Supply Chain benefits the industrial ecosystem in Morocco.
devenir member


The cluster’s consulting activity is managed and organized by the MDFC cluster’s consulting pole, it deals with various issues with a strategic orientation focused on
  • - Driving change towards sustainable entrepreneurship
  • -Commercial development
  • -Development of the finished product
  • -The digitization of processes
  • - Technical support

Matchmaking et mise en réseau

Le cluster MDFC est aussi un espace de partage des connaissances et de réseau. Ainsi, chaque année, il organise des événements de réseautageau profit de ses membres afin de développer leur compétitivité, et leur force de prospection commerciale.
Ces événements de matchmaking peuvent être conçus sur mesure, à la demande des membres. Ils peuvent aussi être proposés dans le cadre du contrat-programme financé par le fond d’appui aux clusters , en encore en collaboration avec l’Association marocaine des industries du textile et de l’habillement ( AMITH) et l’agence marocaine du développement industriel et exportations (AMDIE).
Le cluster accompagne également ses membres dans la participation aux salons internationaux de la mode et du prêt à porter.

Technical Support

The cluster provides its members with technical support on issues related to public administration, financing mechanisms, investment arrangements, etc. These services are mainly intended for start-up structures, whose administrative services are not not yet fully developed.